Reconciliation – Day 60 (Accused of Fraud?)

Nothing interesting today. I played World of Warcraft. I made it to level 86. I’ve leveled out of LFG for Hour of Twilight and it’s sad, I liked that random dungeon.

For dinner we had baked chicken, Mac & Cheese, and baked beans. My husband made a comment to our daughter about me broiling meat rather than baking it and I didn’t like it. Our oldest daughter made a cake for our oldest son’s birthday weekend. It was a good cake.

My sister had to work today and hosted a company picnic. She got a job offer on Friday, but hasn’t told me if she’s accepted it yet and notified her temp agency.

My grandmother called. She said that someone took out a loan in her name and she obviously thought it was someone in the family. I don’t see how that’s even possible. She said she was calling everyone in the family, I figured it was to give someone a chance to confess before she reported it. I don’t think anyone of us did that and she should have reported it immediately. I talked to my sister who said our grandmother told her that it was 2 loans. It seems weird that she wouldn’t mention that information.

Reconciliation – Day 60 (Accused of Fraud?)

Reconciliation – Day 57 (Attitude)

September 26th, 2013
When I’m asked a question I don’t like I say the first thing that pops into my head. The answer is what what I wish the answer could be or what I’d really like to do.

Continue reading “Reconciliation – Day 57 (Attitude)”

Reconciliation – Day 57 (Attitude)

Reconciliation – Day 54 (Instructions)

September 23rd, 2013
We had an appointment to see a rental house today around 3pm. My husband called around 11:30 and told me to cancel because he had to meet someone at the agency. He told me not to forget, but I didn’t want to cancel. I was looking forward to seeing the place.

Continue reading “Reconciliation – Day 54 (Instructions)”

Reconciliation – Day 54 (Instructions)

Reconciliation – Day 52 (Close to Tears)

September 21st, 2013
Today started off a good day. I could have written this yesterday, because I usually write about anything in the post of the previous day if it occurs before I get up for the day. This time I planned not to go back to sleep, I was up around 2am, not because I planned to be awake, I just wake up sometimes. I lay there trying to fall asleep again without even realizing that I was awake.

Continue reading “Reconciliation – Day 52 (Close to Tears)”

Reconciliation – Day 52 (Close to Tears)